Oklahoma Star is present in the pedigree of 10 horses.
Horse Name Reg Name Born Sex Event Sire Dam
Touchdown Boogers Bad Boy 1985 g Tie down Cee Booger Red Rebas Good Girl
War Topper War Topper 1981 g Tie down War Top Soft Tone
Superstar Startime Diablo 1994 g Heeling Dryin Time Dinks Star Jo
Easy Leos Sen Bar 1984 g Tie down Leonard Milligan Sin Bar Fanny
Switchblade1 Owens Cub 1994 g Heeling Leonard Milligan Berrys Club
Blue1 Snipeleo !984 g Tie down Leonard Milligan Pocos Snip
Candy Man Dee Candy Man 1988 g Heeling Deregulate Jets Ce Dandy
Whitey1 Mr Light Star 1981 g Steer Wrestling Lone Star Brown Question Cake
Moon Two Eyed Comanche 2000 g Heading Chief Makopel Cutie Pie Patty
Hello Lashes Hello Lashes 2013 m Heading Docs Wild Seven Little Traylene