Frequency Analysis for Leo based on 5 generation pedigrees.
Total Heading horse pedigrees analysed - 122
Total Heeling horse pedigrees analysed - 112
Total Tie down horse pedigrees analysed - 75
Total Steer Wrestling horse pedigrees analysed - 58
Total Barrel Racing horse pedigrees analysed - 149
Total Cutting horse pedigrees analysed - 48
Total Reining horse pedigrees analysed - 38
Total Breakaway Roping horse pedigrees analysed - 25
Leo appears 41 time(s) in 29 Heading Horse pedigrees. - (23%) List Heading Horses
Leo appears 69 time(s) in 54 Heeling Horse pedigrees. - (48%) List Heeling Horses
Leo appears 43 time(s) in 36 Tie-down Horse pedigrees. - (48%) List Tie down Horses
Leo appears 29 time(s) in 24 Steer Wrestling Horse pedigrees. - (41%) List Steer Wrestling Horses
Leo appears 55 time(s) in 42 Barrel Racing Horse pedigrees. - (28%) List Barrel Racing Horses
Leo appears 20 time(s) in 15 Cutting Horse pedigrees. - (31%) List Cutting Horses
Leo appears 10 time(s) in 10 Reining Horse pedigrees. - (26%) List Reining Horses
Leo appears 6 time(s) in 6 Breakaway Roping Horse pedigrees. - (24%) List Breakaway Roping Horses
Leo is present in 216 pedigrees of 629 Rodeo Horse pedigrees - (34%)
In 629 Rodeo Horse pedigrees Leo appears a total of 273 times.
142 occurrences are through sons of Leo or by Leo himself
131 occurrences are through daughters of Leo

Leo appears 41 time(s) in 29 Heading Horse pedigrees.
16 times through the sire
25 times through the dam
Leo appears 69 time(s) in 54 Heeling Horse pedigrees.
40 times through the sire
29 times through the dam
Leo appears 43 time(s) in 36 Tie down Horse pedigrees.
17 times through the sire
26 times through the dam
Leo appears 29 time(s) in 24 Steer Wrestling Horse pedigrees.
12 times through the sire
17 times through the dam
Leo appears 55 time(s) in 42 Barrel Racing Horse pedigrees.
28 times through the sire
27 times through the dam
Leo appears 20 time(s) in 15 Cutting Horse pedigrees.
7 times through the sire
13 times through the dam
Leo appears 10 time(s) in 10 Reining Horse pedigrees.
7 times through the sire
3 times through the dam
Leo appears 6 time(s) in 6 Breakaway Roping Horse pedigrees.
4 times through the sire
2 times through the dam
ID Horse Name Event Type Sex Position Thru
4000061 8 Ball Steer Wrestling g 33 D
4000513 A Mini Brownie Heeling g 33 D
4000384 Alotta Tie down m 33 D
4000384 Alotta Tie down m 55 S
4000027 Amigo1 Heeling g 43 S
4000597 Annie Oakley Heeling m 43 S
4000260 Arc Ruby Playgunia Cutting m 33 D
4000260 Arc Ruby Playgunia Cutting m 47 S
4000237 Arson Barrel Racing g 61 D
4000237 Arson Barrel Racing g 62 D
4000258 Auspicious Cat Cutting s 47 S
4000258 Auspicious Cat Cutting s 59 S
4000379 Ava Steer Wrestling f 53 D
4000045 Baby Doll Heeling m 33 D
4000174 Babyflo Barrel Racing m 17 D
4000174 Babyflo Barrel Racing m 19 S
4000082 Becky Steer Wrestling m 55 S
4000337 Bella Tie down m 55 S
4000265 Bet Hesa Cat Cutting s 49 D
4000352 Bet Ya Wood Heeling g 49 D
4000526 Birdie Barrel Racing m 33 D
4000571 Birdie2 Heeling g 35 S
4000134 Blow Fish Heading g 45 D
4000118 Blue1 Tie down g 7 S
4000214 Bo Barrel Racing s 53 D
4000135 Boo Tie down g 39 S
4000137 Boogie Man 2 Tie down g 39 S
4000290 Boon Too Suen Cutting s 31 S
4000151 Boss Steer Wrestling g 41 D
4000171 Brown Barrel Racing g 11 S
4000171 Brown Barrel Racing g 53 D
4000171 Brown Barrel Racing g 57 D
4000109 Bubba Barrel Racing g 21 D
4000609 Buddy2 Heeling g 43 S
4000119 Bull Heading g 49 D
4000163 Cadillac1 Heeling g 27 S
4000206 Cadillac2 Steer Wrestling g 55 S
4000613 Cajun Treat Heading g 47 S
4000008 Calhoun Heading g 51 S
4000604 Cap Gun Heeling g 43 S
4000294 Cats Royal Jewel Cutting g 57 D
4000293 Cattins Lil Darling Cutting m 47 S
4000026 Cave Man Heeling g 33 D
4000501 Champ Heeling g 33 D
4000154 Charlie Brown Heeling g 31 S
4000522 Chewy Barrel Racing g 33 D
4000279 Chic n Roost Reining s 31 S
4000225 Chicken Tie down g 59 S
4000188 Chisum Barrel Racing g 41 D
4000388 Chuck Steer Wrestling g 59 S
4000417 Chumley Heeling 49 D
4000103 Cletus Tie down s 57 D
4000221 Clint Heading g 41 D
4000603 Cody Heading g 55 S
4000420 Col Triangle Gold Heeling g 47 S
4000420 Col Triangle Gold Heeling g 61 D
4000420 Col Triangle Gold Heeling g 62 D
4000223 Colonel1 Heeling g 45 D
4000228 Colonel2 Tie down g 33 D
4000228 Colonel2 Tie down g 47 S
4000180 Cowboy Barrel Racing g 33 D
4000251 CR Sun Reys Cutting m 49 D
4000505 CRR Huricane Fajita Heeling g 55 S
4000164 Cruiser1 Barrel Racing g 59 S
4000350 Daisy Heeling m 27 S
4000623 DCC Colonel Cat Heading g 47 S
4000236 Deputy Tie down g 49 D
4000105 Destiny Tie down m 29 D
4000051 Diesel Heeling g 49 D
4000051 Diesel Heeling g 57 D
4000110 Dillion Barrel Racing g 33 D
4000173 Dillon Steer Wrestling g 49 D
4000081 Dinero1 Heeling g 35 S
4000152 Doc Steer Wrestling g 37 D
4000152 Doc Steer Wrestling g 51 S
4000152 Doc Steer Wrestling g 57 D
4000227 Doc (sw) Steer Wrestling s 53 D
4000403 Doc2 Heading g 7 S
4000195 Docs Double Roll Heeling s 39 S
4000626 Docs Gunslinger Chic Heeling m 35 S
4000400 Dre Heading g 47 S
4000283 Dual Rey Me Cutting g 31 S
4000283 Dual Rey Me Cutting g 59 S
4000058 Dually Tie down g 49 D
4000197 Dugan Heading g 43 S
4000197 Dugan Heading g 51 S
4000004 Dugout Heeling g 55 S
4000049 Duke Barrel Racing g 33 D
4000077 Easy Tie down g 7 S
4000156 Eddy Heading g 33 D
4000156 Eddy Heading g 49 D
4000503 Empire Heeling g 33 D
4000503 Empire Heeling g 45 D
4000083 Fiesta Barrel Racing m 17 D
4000083 Fiesta Barrel Racing m 49 D
4000460 Fin Bar Whisky One Heading g 61 D
4000460 Fin Bar Whisky One Heading g 62 D
4000050 Fire Bug Barrel Racing g 7 S
4000050 Fire Bug Barrel Racing g 43 S
4000222 Flea Tie down m 59 S
4000104 Flick Barrel Racing g 25 D
4000241 Flos Nick Nack Barrel Racing m 17 D
4000241 Flos Nick Nack Barrel Racing m 19 S
4000310 Foxy1 Heeling f 59 S
4000469 Frank Heading g 51 S
4000373 Frosty Barrel Racing g 25 D
4000239 Fuzz Barrel Racing g 17 D
4000239 Fuzz Barrel Racing g 19 S
4000066 Gambler Heeling g 23 S
4000066 Gambler Heeling g 43 S
4000356 George Barrel Racing s 59 S
4000015 Gold Digger Heading g 33 D
4000271 Great Sun Burst Reining s 55 S
4000076 Grumpy Tie down g 43 S
4000076 Grumpy Tie down g 55 S
4000149 Gunner Steer Wrestling g 9 D
4000128 Hawk Barrel Racing g 21 D
4000575 Heisman Heading g 33 D
4000328 Hock Heeling 47 S
4000328 Hock Heeling 61 D
4000328 Hock Heeling 62 D
4000126 Hollywood Barrel Racing g 57 D
4000569 Hoss Heeling g 39 S
4000569 Hoss Heeling g 47 S
4000036 Hustler Tie down g 17 D
4000096 Iceman Heeling g 31 S
4000096 Iceman Heeling g 41 D
4000096 Iceman Heeling g 49 D
4000187 J-Lo Barrel Racing m 33 D
4000346 Jackyl Heeling g 41 D
4000514 JAJ Dual Rey Pete Heeling g 27 S
4000514 JAJ Dual Rey Pete Heeling g 51 S
4000287 Jazzys Pep Talk Cutting m 31 S
4000370 Jesse1 Barrel Racing m 37 D
4000370 Jesse1 Barrel Racing m 55 S
4000142 Jester Barrel Racing g 57 D
4000329 Jewel2 Barrel Racing m 37 D
4000351 Jim Heading g 49 D
4000150 Jordan Steer Wrestling g 57 D
4000482 Judy Breakaway m 59 S
4000359 Junior Barrel Racing g 33 D
4000306 Just Playin Smart Cutting s 17 D
4000306 Just Playin Smart Cutting s 55 S
4000445 JV Heading g 61 D
4000445 JV Heading g 62 D
4000389 Kevin Heeling g 15 S
4000288 Lenas Dualin Cutting s 31 S
4000278 Lenas Pegesis Reining s 47 S
4000418 Lexus Heeling 33 D
4000596 Lil Kim Heeling m 49 D
4000062 Little Johnny Ringo Heeling g 31 S
4000622 Little Man Breakaway g 49 D
4000415 Lula Heeling m 49 D
4000441 Mable Steer Wrestling m 41 D
4000292 Magic Ride Cutting s 47 S
4000006 Martha Barrel Racing m 17 D
4000006 Martha Barrel Racing m 19 S
4000165 Marvin Barrel Racing g 55 S
4000022 Maverick Heading g 7 S
4000046 Maximus Steer Wrestling g 59 S
4000207 Meunster Tie down g 47 S
4000148 Miami Heeling g 31 S
4000148 Miami Heeling g 43 S
4000490 Midnight Heading 33 D
4000101 Mikey Heeling g 31 S
4000607 Milo Heeling g 49 D
4000448 Missy Barrel Racing m 33 D
4000031 Mister Steer Wrestling g 9 D
4000087 Moe Barrel Racing g 53 D
4000317 Mona Barrel Racing m 49 D
4000317 Mona Barrel Racing m 51 S
4000559 MRQH Spectaculat Guy Heading g 25 D
4000282 Ms Peppy Cat Cutting m 47 S
4000079 Ned Tie down g 55 S
4000009 Nicholas Heading g 25 D
4000009 Nicholas Heading g 55 S
4000347 Nickie Heading m 25 D
4000347 Nickie Heading m 45 D
4000347 Nickie Heading m 55 S
4000160 Orejas Tie down g 17 D
4000203 Ote Steer Wrestling 49 D
4000203 Ote Steer Wrestling 57 D
4000479 Pals Star Shine Breakaway g 45 D
4000099 Pearl Tie down m 33 D
4000338 Peppy Boon Boon Heeling g 47 S
4000585 Peso Tie down g 57 D
4000568 Piggy Heeling 39 S
4000583 Play Tie down g 47 S
4000583 Play Tie down g 55 S
4000132 Playboys Tough Co Heading g 33 D
4000132 Playboys Tough Co Heading g 49 D
4000132 Playboys Tough Co Heading g 59 S
4000358 Pockets Tie down g 49 D
4000620 Poprocks Barrel Racing m 33 D
4000192 Porky Steer Wrestling g 33 D
4000089 Potato Chip Heeling g 57 D
4000452 Pouraguaja Tie down m 55 S
4000213 Preacher2 Heeling g 35 S
4000199 Primo Tie down g 27 S
4000199 Primo Tie down g 51 S
4000248 Radio Barrel Racing g 49 D
4000304 RC Fancy Step Reining g 39 S
4000376 Recent Release Barrel Racing g 25 D
4000314 Red Collar Tag Reining s 43 S
4000123 Reiner Barrel Racing g 39 S
4000028 Replay Heeling g 49 D
4000067 Roanie1 Heeling g 43 S
4000147 Rock Tie down g 51 S
4000456 Rooster2 Breakaway s 31 S
4000073 Roundpen Barrel Racing g 57 D
4000232 Rusty Steer Wrestling g 37 D
4000232 Rusty Steer Wrestling g 49 D
4000605 Sambo Breakaway g 43 S
4000094 San Wood Steer Wrestling g 15 S
4000368 Sana Frontier Dandy Heading g 47 S
4000071 Scamper Barrel Racing g 39 S
4000071 Scamper Barrel Racing g 47 S
4000011 Scooter1 Heading g 25 D
4000011 Scooter1 Heading g 27 S
4000011 Scooter1 Heading g 37 D
4000141 Short Go Barrel Racing g 23 S
4000141 Short Go Barrel Racing g 37 D
4000391 Si Tie down g 31 S
4000003 Sic Em Heading g 33 D
4000003 Sic Em Heading g 39 S
4000108 Slim Barrel Racing g 53 D
4000075 Slim Shady Heeling s 41 D
4000060 Smarty Steer Wrestling g 39 S
4000429 Smoke Heading g 35 S
4000619 Smoke 2 Tie down g 27 S
4000601 Smoke3 Tie down g 27 S
4000168 Smoken Skidboots Steer Wrestling g 19 S
4000191 Smoker Steer Wrestling m 53 D
4000092 Smokey Tie down g 19 S
4000235 Smudge Heading g 51 S
4000419 Smurf2 Heeling g 19 S
4000509 Sneaky Cat Can Heeling g 31 S
4000343 Spook Tie down g 33 D
4000343 Spook Tie down g 39 S
4000229 Squirrel Tie down g 49 D
4000272 Star Spangled Whiz Reining s 55 S
4000153 Stitch2 Steer Wrestling g 57 D
4000364 Stitchs Honor N Fame Barrel Racing g 53 D
4000499 Street Heeling g 31 S
4000499 Street Heeling g 49 D
4000253 Stylish Bet Cutting m 43 S
4000253 Stylish Bet Cutting m 49 D
4000570 Suntan Heading g 43 S
4000041 Sweetness Tie down g 21 D
4000041 Sweetness Tie down g 27 S
4000116 Switchblade1 Heeling g 7 S
4000488 T Boy Breakaway 45 D
4000289 Tachitas Cat Cutting g 47 S
4000086 Tally Barrel Racing g 59 S
4000098 Texaco Tie down g 31 S
4000106 TJ Tie down g 51 S
4000029 Tony Heeling g 17 D
4000216 Tooter Heeling g 23 S
4000216 Tooter Heeling g 27 S
4000216 Tooter Heeling g 43 S
4000208 Topaz Tie down m 33 D
4000088 Troubles Barrel Racing g 59 S
4000217 Tuscon Steer Wrestling g 33 D
4000423 Tux Heeling g 43 S
4000034 Uno Tie down g 49 D
4000043 Wick1 Steer Wrestling g 27 S
4000043 Wick1 Steer Wrestling g 59 S
4000068 Wick2 Heeling g 31 S
4000302 Wimpyneedsacocktail Reining s 39 S
4000538 Wimpys Dun Twistin Reining m 39 S
4000312 WLS Tinseltown Reining s 39 S
4000277 Yellow Jersey Reining s 39 S
4000074 Z Heeling g 33 D