War Chant appears in the following Heading horses.
If a name occurs more than once on the list,  War Chant is present that many times in the 5 generation pedigree.
Horse Name Born Sex Event Sire Dam
Dolly 1999 m Heading Skid Frost Sissy Truck
Frisco 1998 s Heading Lone Drifter PC Acapoco Sun
Ole Son 2005 g Heading A Streak of Fling Pc Sun Dew
Snort g Heading PC Frenchmans Mark Tru Dee Fixer Bar
Suntan g Heading PC Double Frost JB Pep n Kory
Suntan g Heading PC Double Frost JB Pep n Kory
Walt 1990 g Heading Skid Frost Precious Rhythm