Myrtle Dee appears in the following Heeling horses.
If a name occurs more than once on the list,  Myrtle Dee is present that many times in the 5 generation pedigree.
Horse Name Born Sex Event Sire Dam
Amigo1 1999 g Heeling Bingo Hickory Patricia Bar King
Baby Doll 1997 m Heeling La Rue La Gue Jennifers Baby
Baby Doll 1997 m Heeling La Rue La Gue Jennifers Baby
Baby Doll 1997 m Heeling La Rue La Gue Jennifers Baby
Bar S 1993 g Heeling For Sale Enterprise Gay Lady of a Doc
Blue2 1984 g Heeling Docs Budha Brinks Uno Gold
Huey 2009 g Heeling Royal Always Leos All American
Ike 1983 g Heeling Mr Bar Truckle Drifty Belle
Little Bay 1997 g Heeling Sparta Tiveo Poco Kings Bee
Miami 1989 g Heeling Rafter L Dry Doc Scataway Bonnie
Potato Chip 1993 g Heeling Magnolia Bar Jet Bandino Miss Misty
Tamale 1987 g Heeling Barbs Dilly Bar Amanda Blues
Tony 1995 g Heeling Freckles Playboy Lena Jay Reed