Miss Night Bar appears in the following Barrel Racing horses.
If a name occurs more than once on the list,  Miss Night Bar is present that many times in the 5 generation pedigree.
Horse Name Born Sex Event Sire Dam
Ali B Kat 1995 g Barrel Racing Dooley Authorized Easy Looker
Bee 2017 m Barrel Racing First Down Dash Rosas Cantina CC
Benny s Barrel Racing Blazin Jetolena GL Famous First Lady
Blaze 2005 s Barrel Racing Blazin Jetolena Princess Dasher
Bo 2005 s Barrel Racing Frenchmans Feature Honey ofa Jet
Bubba 1993 g Barrel Racing Mystic Eye Angela Channing
Chewy 2014 g Barrel Racing Flaming Fire Water Native Quick Dash
Chisum 1998 g Barrel Racing El Roco Romanna Glass
Claimer 1988 m Barrel Racing Dash ta Fame Alicia Rene
Cruiser1 1991 g Barrel Racing Streakin Six Moon Cruisin
Dash 2015 g Barrel Racing Dash ta Fame Itty Bitty Boon
Del Rae Barrel Racing PC Frenchmans Hayday Miss Meter Jet
Dial It 2006 g Barrel Racing Dashin is Easy Dial It In
Dillion 1999 g Barrel Racing Firecracker Fire Rare Class
Duke 2003 g Barrel Racing Alive N Firen Splendid Discovery
Duke 2003 g Barrel Racing Alive N Firen Splendid Discovery
Fire Bug 1999 g Barrel Racing Tigeraflame Copper Buglet
Flick 1995 g Barrel Racing Freedom Flyer Mighty OH
Flo Jo 2001 g Barrel Racing Whose dat Bunny Hota Moore
Foxy2 2008 m Barrel Racing Bully Bullion Gateway ta Love
Fred 1996 g Barrel Racing Jet Radar Sleek Glass
Fred 1996 g Barrel Racing Jet Radar Sleek Glass
Hawk 1984 g Barrel Racing Count Jet Miss Meter Charge
Jesse1 2002 m Barrel Racing Dinner Flight Lady Lasmooth
Jester 2002 g Barrel Racing Frenchmans Guy April Approach
Jewel2 2002 m Barrel Racing Nonstop Drifter Foxys Buzzie Bars
JJ Bar Jet 2003 g Barrel Racing Magnolia Bar Jet Kings Frosted Lady
Junior 2010 g Barrel Racing Firewaterontherocks Junior Country Girl
Keeper 2012 g Barrel Racing JL Dash to Heaven Zeros Gypsy Jet
Keeper 2012 g Barrel Racing JL Dash to Heaven Zeros Gypsy Jet
Kiss 2014 m Barrel Racing CEO Fames Fiery Kiss
Latte 2004 g Barrel Racing Dash for Perks Curiocity Corners
Lola 2015 m Barrel Racing Blazin Jetolena GL Famous First Lady
Marvin 1999 g Barrel Racing Weekend Rodeo Cowboy Andele Deniero
Marvin 1999 g Barrel Racing Weekend Rodeo Cowboy Andele Deniero
Moe 2003 g Barrel Racing Frenchmans Guy Dontunderestimateher
Movin 2005 m Barrel Racing Blazin Jetolena Sheza Cashanova MP
Recent Release 1998 g Barrel Racing Light on Cash Parr Pas
Rocco 2011 g Barrel Racing Dash ta Fame Honor this Nonstop
Rocco 2011 g Barrel Racing Dash ta Fame Honor this Nonstop
Rocky 1993 g Barrel Racing Mito Wise Wrangler The Brown Filly
Roundpen 1995 g Barrel Racing Victory Dash Easy Little Oak
Scott 1988 g Barrel Racing Doc O Dynamite Easy April Bar
Show Mance 2010 g Barrel Racing First Smart Money Blue Baby Cash
Sister2 2008 m Barrel Racing KS Cash n Fame Espuela Roan
Sly 2018 g Barrel Racing Blazin Jetolena Dash of Bling
Steele Magnolias 2007 m Barrel Racing Magnolia Bar Jet Kings Frosted Lady
Stingray 2002 m Barrel Racing PC Frenchmans Hayday Miss Meter Jet
Stitch1 1997 g Barrel Racing Streakin Six Dream n Win
Stitchs Honor N Fame 2007 g Barrel Racing Firewater ta Fame Ze Honor Jet
Swivel 2002 g Barrel Racing Dash ta Fame Swivel Hips Bar
Talents Dark Angel 2001 m Barrel Racing Flaming Talent Docs Abbie Lee
Tally 1995 g Barrel Racing Flaming Talent Miss Star Boon
Truck 2007 g Barrel Racing Dash ta Fame Princess Streaks
Wicked 2004 m Barrel Racing Terribly Wicked Like an Effort
Worm 2005 g Barrel Racing A Streak of Fling Jetta Rita
Xtrared 2002 m Barrel Racing Red Attract