Jet Deck appears in the following Heading horses.
If a name occurs more than once on the list,  Jet Deck is present that many times in the 5 generation pedigree.
Horse Name Born Sex Event Sire Dam
Banker 2001 g Heading Mia Cash Too Spratts Two One
Biscuit 2011 g Heading Okey Dokey Dale Streakin Polly Bee
Buster 1990 g Heading Flaming Oh Devil Lady 86
Cajun Treat 2011 g Heading Cajun Perks on Fire Mis Leo Dun
Calhoun 1991 g Heading Smooth Roula Anchor this Jet
Calhoun 1991 g Heading Smooth Roula Anchor this Jet
City Bay Roller 1990 g Heading Easy Wrangler Pay a Dividend
City Bay Roller 1990 g Heading Easy Wrangler Pay a Dividend
DDD Miguelssmartbusy 2015 m Heading El Miguel Busy n Smart
Dew 1999 g Heading Mia Cash Too Cea Carolina Dew
DM Jet Off 2009 g Heading Hand Off Boy Rocket Jets
DM Jet Off 2009 g Heading Hand Off Boy Rocket Jets
Dolly 1999 m Heading Skid Frost Sissy Truck
Dugan 1994 g Heading Duit Dugan Doit Taris Gray Lace
Fin Bar Whisky One 2010 g Heading Irish Pay Miss Rebel Easy
Flinty 2014 g Heading Corona Cartel Illegal Fireworks
Fonzie 2001 g Heading Down Home Dash Knight Wind Babe
Hello Lashes 2013 m Heading Docs Wild Seven Little Traylene
JV 2009 g Heading Holland Ease The Jubilee Diamond
JV 2009 g Heading Holland Ease The Jubilee Diamond
JV 2009 g Heading Holland Ease The Jubilee Diamond
Mabee Jessy Can 2012 g Heading Jushart EKS Skeeter
Megazord 1994 g Heading Jet Toro Have your Cash
Ole Son 2005 g Heading A Streak of Fling Pc Sun Dew
Ole Son 2005 g Heading A Streak of Fling Pc Sun Dew
RLJ Cashnczechtafame 2011 g Heading Vabellez RLJ Jets inthe Allie
Rooster 1985 g Heading Pajaro Chico Ima Lady Pilot
Sandy m Heading Dash Ona Drifter American Big Winner
Scooter1 1984 g Heading Oklahoma Fuel Winners Doll
Snort g Heading PC Frenchmans Mark Tru Dee Fixer Bar